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Thursday, May 12, 2022

MCAT Studies: Amino Acids

Amino Acids

Chart division of amino acids based on properties:





  • Aspartic acid 

  • Glutamic acid 

  • Lysine* 

  • Arginine? 

  • Histidine* 

  • Serine 

  • Cysteine 

  • Tyrosine 

  • Threonine* 

  • Asparagine 

  • Glutamine 

  • Glycine 

  • Alanine 

  • Valine* 

  • Leucine* 

  • Isoleucine* 

  • Phenylalanine* 

  • Tryptophan* 

  • Methionine* 

  • Proline 


* Essential amino acids, (Arginine is debated).
PVT TIM HALL - Essential Amino Acids

Aspartic acid, Asp (D)
  • Acidic → if deprotonated, (-) charged side chain
  • Aspartate = deprotonated aspartic acid

Glutamic acid, Glu (E)
  • Acidic → if deprotonated, (-) charged side chain
  • Glutamate = deprotonated glutamic acid

Lysine, Lys (K)
  • Basic → if protonated, (+) charged side chain
  • Cationic @ physiological pH

Arginine, Arg (R)
  • Basic → if protonated, (+) charged side chain
  • Cationic @ physiological pH

Histidine, His (H)
  • Possible Basic → if protonated, (+) charged side chain
  • Possible acidic → if deprotonated, (-) charged side chain
  • Side chain close to physiological pH → "His goes both ways," Acid/Base

Glycine, Gly (G)
  • Nonpolar → hydrophobic
  • Aliphatic side chain → Only H atom as side chain

Alanine, Ala (A)
  • Nonpolar → hydrophobic
  • Aliphatic side chain → Methyl side chain 

Valine, Val (V)
  • Nonpolar → hydrophobic
  • Aliphatic side chain → Isopropyl side chain
  • V similar in shape to isopropyl 

Leucine, Leu (L)
  • Nonpolar → hydrophobic
  • Aliphatic side chain → isobutyl side chain

Isoleucine, Ile (I)
  • Nonpolar → hydrophobic
  • Aliphatic side chain → secbutyl side chain
  • Not sure why this one was called iso when sec would have been a more appropriate side chain name.

Phenylalanine, Phe (F)
  • Nonpolar → hydrophobic
  • Aromatic side chain → phenyl
  • Easy to remember this one: alanine structure + phenyl group

Tryptophan, Trp (W)
  • Nonpolar → hydrophobic
  • Aromatic side chain → indole side chain

Methioine, Met (M)
  • Nonpolar → hydrophobic
  • Sulfur containing amino acid
  • Thioether side chain
  • Related to the start codon AUG → codes for methionine

Serine, Ser (S)
  • Polar → hydrophilic
  • Hydroxyl side chain

Cysteine, Cys (C)
  • Polar → hydrophilic
  • Sulfur containing amino acid
  • Thiol side chain

Tyrosine, Tyr (Y)
  • Polar → Hydrophilic
  • Aromatic side chain → Phenol

Threonine, Thr (T)
  • Polar → hydrophilic
  • hydroxyl side chain

Asparagine, Asn (N)
  • Polar → hydrophilic
  • Amide side chain
  • Amide derivative of aspartic acid

Glutamine, Gln (Q)
  • Polar → hydrophilic
  • Amide side chain
  • Amide derivative of glutamic acid

Proline, Pro (P)
  • Nonpolar → Hydrophobic
  • Unique b/c covalently bonded to nonpolar side chain
  • Has α-amino group

I will need to really mesh these structures together and test out what works best for memorization.

So far the 4 easiest to remember are aspartic acid, glumatic acid, glycine, and proline. The acids have the almost the same structure, but missing one extra carbon (w/ hydrogens). Glycine has only the H atom for its R group, while proline has a unique pentagon ring.