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Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Motion Picture Evaluation Form

Movie Title: One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest       Year Released: 1975

Director: Milos Forman                    Company: Fantasy Films

Writer(s): Lawrence Hauben and Bo Goldman (screenplay writers), Inspiration from Ken Kesey (novel author) and Dale Wasserman (play writer)

Starring (main two or three characters):
Jack Nicholson as Randel Patrick McMurphy

Louise Fletcher as Nurse Ratched

Will Sampson as “Chief” Bromden

Did the film win any major awards? Won numerous awards: 5 Oscars, 6 Golden Globes, 6 BAFTAs, 1 Bodil, 1 David, 1 DGA, 1 Golden Screen, 1 Silver Ribbon, 1 KCFCC, 1 Reader’s Choice, 1 LAFCA, 1 NBR, 1 National Film Registry, 1 NSFC, 1 NYFCC, 1 OFTA Film Hall of Fame, 1 People’s Choice, 1 Sant Jordi, 1 WGA.

Describe the Movie’s setting: what years does the story cover? Where does the action take place?
The movie starts off in 1963 with our main character going to an Oregon mental health institution. Despite some glimpses of the “outside,” most of the story takes place in the mental health ward.

What is the last spoken line in the movie? (If a silent movie, describe the last image or dialogue titles):
Chief Bromden – “Let’s go” – In reference to his escape along with McMurphy’s death.
Taber – “He made it.” – Referring to Chief Bromden’s escape from the hospital ward.

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