Unit 8 – Calories! Food, Energy, and Energy Balance
3 Types of energy-requiring processes:
Basal Metabolism – Body’s life support ~ weight
* 10 (female) OR * 11 (male)
Physical Activity – Level of physical activity à Active (4+ hrs
exercise) = 75% BMR, Average (2-4 hrs
light activity) = 50% BMR, Inactive (<2 hrs activity) =30% BMR
Dietary Thermogenesis – Energy for digestion,
absorption, and food storage = 0.10(BMR+Physical activity)
Total calories need
= (BMR + (0.3, 0.5, or 0.75 * BMR) + (0.10 * BMR+physical activity))
Food energies:
Carbs = 4 calories/g
Proteins = 4 calories/g
Fats = 9 calories/g
Alcohol = 7 calories/g
Fiber = 2 calories/g
Energy density (calories-density) = Calories of food/Food in
grams à
Energy balance:
Calories consumed > calories used = weight
Calories consumed < calories used = weight
Calories consumed = calories used = balance,
weight maintenance
Unit 12 – Useful Facts about Sugars, Starches, and Fiber
Carbohydrates – sugars à
Major source of energy (~ 45-65%)
Simple sugars –glucose, fructose, galactose
(Must be listed in order of weight in labels) à
Problem: Provide ONLY calories, Low
in nutrients; tooth decay
o Glucose – Only simple sugar can use to
form energy. Excess stored as fat and glycogen (Only animals).
o Fructose
o Galactose
o Sucrose
(glucose + fructose)
o Maltose
(glucose + glucose)
o Lactose
(glucose + galactose)
Alcohol sugars – simple sugars w/ alcohol group
Ex: Xylitol, mannitol, sorbitol
Does NOT promote tooth decay
Artificial Sweetener Facts
Not significant sources of energy/nutrients
Used as sweetening agents
Does NOT promote tooth decay
Ex: Saccharin, aspartame, sucralose, acesulfame
potassium, neotame, rebiana
Complex carbohydrates (starches)
Polysaccharides: Many molecules of
monosaccharides (starch, glycogen, dietary fiber)
Oligosaccharides: 3 – 10 monosaccharides
Functional fiber: Specific type of nondigestible
carbs that benefit health (psyllium, pectin, gels, gums) à Fullness, slows
glucose absorption, prevents constipation, decrease fat & cholesterol
Dietary fiber: Naturally occurring, intact forms
of nondigestible fiber in plants and “woody” plant cell walls (contains
nutrients & other plant substances)
Total fiber: Sum of functional & dietary fiber
(Recommend daily intake of fiber).
o Soluble
fibers – Combine chemically with water
o Insoluble
fibers – Do NOT combine chemically with water
Glycemic index: How much blood glucose is raised by 50g
portion of carbohydrate compared to glucose/white bread.
- Low glycemic index carbohydrates: (Fructose, xylitol,
hummus, apples)
Improve blood glucose control
Reduce elevated blood cholesterol &
Increase HDL
Reduce risk of DM2, cancer & heart disease
- High glycemic index carbohydrates: (Glucose, white bread,
baked potatoes, jelly beans)
Tooth Decay (cavities – disintegration of teeth
b/c acids produced by bacteria
Stickiness & frequent consumption of
sugary/starchy food increases tooth decay
Baby bottle caries – develop when
infants/children fall a sleep while sucking bottle
Unit 15 – Proteins & Amino Acids
Protein =
Essential component of all living matter composed of polymer chains of amino
acids linked by peptide bonds.
Structural material in muscles, CT, organs, and
hemoglobin (RBC)
Basic component of enzymes, hormones, + other
Mains & repairs protein containing tissues
Serves as an energy source (4 calories/g)
ALL proteins in body are continually broken down
& rebuilt.
Does NOT
have storage form in body.
154 lb man contains ~ 124 lb protein (50%
High protein diets usually HIGH in FAT and LOW
“Lean” meats have varying levels of fat:
Hamburger 90% lean = 45% fat, Baked chicken breast no skin = 19% fat.
Amino Acids – 20 common
Order of Amino acids determined by DNA (Primary
Sub-structures formed among amino acid chains
(Secondary structure)
Chains of amino acids can form 3D shapes (Tertiary
3D structure consisting of the aggregation of 2+
individual polypeptide chains (subunits) that operate as a single functional
unit (Quaternary structure)
Essential amino acids – CANNOT be synthesized in
enough in body, from diet
o Phenylalanine
o Valine
o Threonine
o Tryptophan
o Isoleucine
o Methionine
o Histidine
o Leucine
o Lysine
Nonessential amino acids – Produced by humans
from components of diet
o Alanine
o Arginine
o Asparagine
o Aspartic
o Cysteine
o Glutamic
o Glutamine
o Glycine
o Proline
o Serine
o Tyrosine
Complete Proteins
= Contains all essential amino acids in amounts needed to support growth (In
animal products such as meat, milk, eggs).
Incomplete Proteins
= Deficient in one/more essential amino acids (Plants – usually different
complements combined to make up)
Amino acid supplements can lead to adverse
effects (eg. Disrupt protein protection)
TO GROW MUSCLE – Resistance training, then high
quality protein foods.
Protein deficiency can occur by itself/with other calorie
& nutrient deficiencies.
- Kwashiokor = protein-energy malnutrition à causes swelling, fatty
liver, poor appetite NOT corrected by protein intake.
EXCESS PROTEIN: > 45% calories form protein (nausea,
weakness, diarrhea)
High protein diets à
weak bones, kidney stones, cancer, hear disease, obesity
Unit 18 – Fats and Cholesterol in Health
Fats = subcategory of lipids (Compounds insoluble in water
eg. Triglycerides, oils, cholesterol, essential fatty acids, sat/unsat fats)
Recommended – 20-35% of total calories from fat
Energy source ~ 1 lb of body fat = 3500 calories
(9 calories/g)
Carriers of fat-soluble nutrients (essential
fatty acids, fat soluble vitamins DEKA)
Cushion & protect internal organs
Insulation against cold
Increase flavor and palatability of food
Contribute to sensation of feeling full
Components of cell membranes, vitamin D and sex
✪ Essential fatty acids = linoleic acid
+ alpha-linolenic acid
Linoleic acid (Men 5g/day, Women 12 g/day)
Ω-6 fatty acid
Component of all cell membranes
Required for growth, skin, reproductive system
Regulation of BP, clotting – inflammatory
In sunflower, safflower, corn & soybean oils
Alpha-linolenic acid (Men 1.6 g/day, Women 1.1
Ω-3 fatty acid
Compoent of all cell membranes
OPPOSITE effect on linoleic acid w/ BP &
clotting – Anti-inflammatory
In walnuts, dark green leafy vegetables, flaxseed,
canola & soybean oils
Other Ω-3 fatty acids EPA & DHA – Found in fish and
shellfish (common fish oil additive)
Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)
Precursor compounds used for blood clotting
& blood pressure regulation
Limits damage from inflammatory & oxidative
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)
Needed for brain & eye formation
Types of fat:
Triglycerides (98% of fat intake, most of body’s
fat storage, used for energy and maintenance)
Saturation (Unsat/sat)
Saturated (Max # of H atoms, (s) @ room temp,
animal products)
Unsaturated fats
Cis form – zis same side (most common, naturally
occurring form of unsat fatty acid)
Trans form – opposite sides (increase
cholesterol lvls, heart risk, - 2.2 g/day
Monounsaturated – 1 double bond
Polyunsaturated – 2+ double bonds
Hydrogenation: unsaturated fats à saturated fats, (l) à (s) (used to extend
shelf life of processed foods)
Organic molecule, a sterol, a type of lipid. Biosynthesized by all animal cells
and is an essential structural component of animal cell membranes.
In all cell membranes – flexible lipid bilayer
Major component of nerves & brain
Needed to produce estrogen, testosterone,
vitamin D
CANNOT be used for energy
Specify fat, saturated fat, trans fat, and
cholesterol fat
Types of fat more important than amount:
Good fat = DHA, EPA, Unsaturated fats,
Alpha-linoleic acid
Bad fat = Trans, saturated fats, cholesterol
(rec <200mg/day)
Unit 20 – Vitamins and Your Health
Vitamins – Chemical substances that perform specific
functions in the body, essential nutrients
Water soluble (B-complex, C)
Thiamin (B1)
Riboflavin (B2)
Niacin (B3)
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)
Folate (folacin, folic acid)
Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin)
Panthothenic acid (pantothenate)
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
ONLY vitamin B12 stored in body all other water
sol vitamins, deficient in weeks if NOT consumed
Niacin, B6, choline, and Vitamin C can effects
if over consumed
Fat soluble (DEKA)
Vitamin D (1,25 dihydroxy-cholecalciferol)
Vitamin E (tocopherol)
Vitamin K (phylloquinone, menaquinone)
Vitamin A (retinol, provitamin = ß-carotene)
Stored in body fat, liver – allows deficiencies
to take longer to develop, excess build up in fat
FUNCTS: Depends on vitamin, many coenzymes, antioxidants
(vita C, E, ß-carotene)
Some items misinformed OR exaggerated (Bogus vitamins)
✖ Bioflavonoids (vitamin P)
✖ Coenzyme Q10
✖ Gerovital H-3
✖ Hesperdin
✖ Inositol
✖ Laetrile (vitamin B17)
✖ Lecithin
✖ Lipoic acid
✖ Nucleic acids
✖ Pangamic acid (vitamin B15)
✖ Para-amino benzoic acid (PABA)
✖ Provitamin B5 complex
✖ Rutin
Adequate Intake
Overdose (OD)
(Vitamin B1)
♂ 1.2mg
♀ 1.1mg
Release energy from carbs ingested; facilitates growth
& muscle; normal appetite
Fatigue, weakness, nerve disorders, apathy impaired
growth, swelling, heart irregularity
High intakes rapidly excreted by kidneys.
(vitamin B2)
♂ 1.3mg
♀ 1.1mg
Help capture & use energy released from carbs,
proteins, fats; aids in cell division; promotes growth & tissue repair;
normal vision
Reddened lips, cracks at corners of mouth, fatigue
(Vitamin B3)
♂ 16mg
♀ 14mg
Helps capture & use energy released from carbs,
proteins, fats; assists in body fats; maintain normal nervous system
Skin disorders, nervous & mental disorders, diarrhea, indigestion,
Flushing headache, cramps, tachy, nausea, diarrhea,
decreased liver funct
(Vitamin B6)
♂ 1.3mg
♀ 1.3mg
Needed for rxn in building proteins & protein tissues;
assists tryptophan à
niacin convert; promotes normal nervous system
Irritability, depression, convulsions, twitching, muscular
weakness, dermatitis near eyes, anemia, kidney stones
Bone pain, loss of feeling in fingers & toes, muscular
weakness, numbness, loss of balance (mimicking MS)
Folate (folacin, folic acid)
♂ 400mg
♀ 400mg
Needed for rxns using utilize amino acids for protein
tissue formation; promotes normal formation of RBC
Megaloblastic anemia, diarrhea, red sore tongue; neural
tube defects, elevated homocysteine
May cover B12 deficiency
Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12)
♂ 2.4mcg
♀ 2.4mcg
Helps maintain nerve tissues; aids in rxns that build up
protein tissues; needed for normal RBC
Neurological disorders, tingling, brain degeneration,
pernicious anemia
NONE, may cause temp heightening energy
♂ 30 mcg
♀ 30 mcg
Needed to manufacture fats, proteins and glycogen
Seizures; vision problems; muscular weakness; hearing loss
Pantothenic acid
♂ 5 mg
♀ 5 mg
Needed to release energy from fat & carbs
Fatigue, sleep problems, vomiting, nausea
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
♂ 90 mg
♀ 75 mg
Making collagen; help fight infection, repair wounds;
antioxidant; enhance iron absorption
Bleeding and easy bruising, slow recovery from infections
and poor wound healing, fatigue, depression
Intake of 1g or more/day causes nausea, cramps, diarrhea,
increase kidney stone risk
♂ 550 mg
♀ 425 mg
Structural & signaling component of membranes; needed
for normal development of memory & attention; transport of fat & cholesterol
Fatty liver, infertility, HTN
Hypotension, sweating, diarrhea, fishy body odor, liver
Retinol (vitamin A)
♂ 900 mg
♀ 700 mg
Need for formation & maintenance of mucous membranes,
skin, and bone; vision in dim light
Increase infection risk, impaired vision
> 500,000IU and >50,000IU/day
nausea, irritability, blurred vision, weakness, headache,
skull pressure, liver damage, hair loss, dry skin
Acts as antioxidant
Similar to vitamin A
>12mg/day may turn skin yellow-orange
Vitamin E (alpha-tocapherol)
♂ 15 mg
♀ 15 mg
Acts as antioxidant; reduces ability of LDL cholesterol
Muscle loss, nerve damage, anemia, weakness
>800IU/day may increase bleeding,
Avoid supplement w/ anticoags
Vitamin D
♂ 5 mcg
♀ 5 mcg
Absorption of Ca and P for use in bone formation, nerve
and muscle activity, stops inflammation
Weak, deformed bones, loss of Ca from bones, increase
cardio-vascular risk
Mental retardation in children, abnormal bone growth,
nausea, diarrhea, weight loss, Ca deposits in organs
>10,000IU/day toxic
Vitamin K
♂ 120 mcg
♀ 90 mcg
Essential component of blood clotting mechanisms; aids
incorporation of Ca into bones
Bleeding, bruises, decreased Ca in bones, Rate deficiency
Toxicity only issue when synthetics are taken à
may cause liver disease
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