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Friday, November 25, 2016

2nd essay for CORC class - Freudian Mythology [Outline]

Freudian Mythology

Thesis: Euripides’ Bacchae, Seneca’s Thyestes, and Ovid’s Metamorphoses all demonstrate the hidden psychology of Freudian theory.

Freudian theory: Id = Instincts – pleasure, primitive beast; Superego = Morality – Motivation to follow socially acceptable behavior; Ego = Reality – conscious + unconscious, satisfies demands of Id in safe way.

Bacchae – Pentheus’ insanity          
Thyestes – Atreus’ inner battle
Metamorphoses – Myrrha’s demons

Pentheus’ ego from the Bacchae

      I.         Introduction
    II.         Bacchae – Pentheus’ insanity
A.     Ego can’t satisfy the Id à Trying to maintain order in the name of authority
B.     Id takes over with impulses of peeping à Cross dressing and wanting to look
  III.         Thyestes – Atreus’ inner battle
A.     Atreus’s superego à unsure about murder of his nephews?
B.     Id takes over à Darkness of heart wins out, the Thyestean feast
   IV.         Metamorphoses – Myrrha’s demons
A.     Myrrha’s superego à Staying away from her father, trying to keep to herself
B.     Id takes over à Fornication with father
     V.         Conclusion

Pentheus’ insanity in the Bacchae demonstrates the failure of the Ego.

The Id completely takes over Pentheus and he becomes a perverted beast.

Atreus’ hesitation about the revenge plan against his brother, Thyestes, indicates the presence of the Superego.

Atreus’ Id finally wins out and the Thyestean feast commences.

Myrrha’s ego faces a similar battle between the mortality of the superego and the desire of the Id.

She finally gives into her lust for her father with the help of the nursemaid.

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