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Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Australia’s Health Care System

Model: Australia uses a combination of a public universal health care system and a private health care system. Australia’s universal public health insurance is called Medicare. The federal government pays a large part of the cost based on patient fee schedules. Typical situation is that 100% of general practitioner covered, 85% specialist covered, and 100% of public hospital costs covered. The remainder of health costs is paid by the patient (out of pocket) unless the provider chooses bulk billing. There are also other subsidies and benefits that patients maybe entitled to depending on income.

Medicare does NOT cover private patient hospital costs, overseas hospital costs, clinically unnecessary medical services, and ambulance services.

Multi-tier: Two tier system à For those with the means to, the government encourages private health insurance. Private health insurance itself is split into three types of coverage: hospital cover, general treatment cover, and ambulance cover. The three are usually combined together for a cohesive package, although they can be taken piecemeal.

Private health insurance is provided by a number of private health insurance organizations called health funds; the largest health fund being, Medibank.

The government encourages private hospital cover through incentives:
  • Lifetime Health Cover: If a person has not taken out private hospital cover by 1 July after their 31st birthday, when (and if) they do so after this time, their premiums must include a loading of 2% per annum. The loading applies only to premiums for hospital cover, not to ancillary (extras) cover.
  • Medicare Levy Surcharge: People with taxable income greater than a specified amount (in the 2011/12 financial year $80,000 for singles and $168,000 for couples) and who do not have an adequate level of private hospital cover must pay a 1% surcharge on top of the standard 2% Medicare Levy.
  • Private Health Insurance Rebate: The government subsidizes the premiums for all private health insurance cover, including hospital and ancillary (extras), by 10%, 20% or 30%.

Most aspects of private health insurance in Australia are regulated by the Private Health Insurance Act 2007.

Funding: Medicare is funded by a levy of 2% taxpayer income. There are exceptions for low-income earners. An additional 1% Medicare levy surcharge is added for high-income individuals without private health insurance. The rest of the balance is paid off by government revenue.

History: Early on public hospitals = charity medicine, while private hospitals = wealthy treatment, community based = fee-for-service. 1901 health care regarded as a state, though national govt. granted quarantine powers. Most individuals had to pay for their own health care services, not including charity medicine from public hospitals. Post-WWII national government started to play stronger role. After facing stiff resistance from conservative elements and multiple failed national health insurance proposals, the Labour government under PM Whitlam introduced the new health care system, Medibank, in 1975. The Health Insurance Commission (HIC) was established to administer Medibank. Patients could bill the schedule fee to the HIC and claim back 85% OR doctors could bill the HIC directly for their patients for 85% of schedule fee as full payment, a process known as “bulk billing.” Hospitals made cost-sharing arrangements with the states as long as patients were guaranteed universal free access to public hospitals.
            The new government Liberal Coalition government (1975-1982) added the option to opt out of Medibank and purchase private health insurance. Those part of Medibank had a 2.5% levy placed on them. System of health reestablished later and called Medicare = subsidized access to doctor of choice (out of hospital), free public hospital care, and subsidized pharmaceuticals.

Cost per capita: Latest Wiki $3,866

Obama Care Comparison

Obama Care coverage has four different groups: employer based, Government (Medicare & Medicaid), Market purchased insurance, and No coverage.

Employer based is an old American system that will remain mostly the same under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The minute difference being caps on out of pocket expense and free preventative care.
*Government requires companies with 50 or more full time employees to offer employer based health insurance

Medicare remains mostly the same. Medicaid will cover will expand depending on state legislature.

Health insurance marketplace – Private healthcare competition with plans ranging from cheap bronze to platinum. All plans will cover hospital and doctor visits. Tax break for health insurance. Removal of preexisting condition clause. Equal price for male and females. Special enrollment periods. Individual mandate = fine for not being insured. Funding from taxes on wealthy and on hospitals and health industries.

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