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Sunday, November 6, 2016

Outline Literature Review Hoffman, Wages of Sickness. Health Care for Some.

Two Books by Beatrix Hoffman:
-       The Wages of Sickness: The Politics of Health Insurance in Progressive America
-       Health Care for Some: Rights and Rationing in the US Since 1930
Literature Review
·      Top of page book bibliography entry
·      State author’s topic and thesis à Describe evidence supporting thesis
·      Assess evidence supporting thesis
·      Describe the author’s background & reason for book?
·      Compare work with other literature read thus far in course?
·      Close w/ your own assessment of book?
Hoffman, Beatrix. The Wages of Sickness: The Politics of Health Insurance in Progressive America. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2001.
Topic: US Health Insurance à Progressive Era – NY Compulsory Health Insurance Bill
Thesis: Defeat of NY compulsory health insurance resulted in distinct US health care system and strong political opposition that continues throughout the 20th century.
* American resistance to health insurance not predetermined different future possible.
Methodology: 1st – Problem of early US health care; 2nd – AALL formation and health insurance bill; 3rd – European influence + Americanism; 4th – Medical est. & health care stance; 5th – Employers & insurance co.; 6th – Divided labor movement; 7th – Women’s involvement in health insurance campaign + divisions; 8th – Final Defeat of bill
Evidence: Visual – Political cartoons, pictures of discussed individuals, propaganda; pull quotes from primary and secondary sources
Background: Historian of Northern Illinois University à left leaning
Historiography: What did not happen shaped what did, AMA not sole opponent, unity/differences more important?, State actions shaped by powerful interest groups
Opinion: Strong to demonstrate historical development of opposition and divisions among health insurance supporters, Clashes with the idea behind her next book

Hoffman, Beatrix. Health Care for Some: Rights and Rationing in the United States since 1930. Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago Press, 2012.
Topic: US Health Insurance à Since 1930
Thesis: US health insurance issue of rights vs. privilege stems from unique public-private US healthcare system that rations healthcare coverage. This rationing has resulted in the exorbitant price of healthcare in the US and stems from govt. focus on new hospitals, employment based insurance, and private sector protection.
Methodology: 1st – Define rationing & rights; 2nd – Healthcare prior to 1930; 3rd – History of Health insurance = Chronological from Great Depression to Obama Care (focus on eras)
Evidence: Visual – Photographs + cartoons (political+ad), Pull quotes from 1st+2nd sources
Background: Left leaning author
Historiography: Defeats previous book/or does it?
Opinion: Strong chronological development of health insurance

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