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Saturday, March 25, 2017

Graham's Mohist Reaction [Outline]

Response to Graham’s View on Mo Tzu
      I.         Introduction
A.     Thesis: Angus C. Graham depicts Mohism as a radical reaction of lower status individuals to the chaos of the times. According to Graham, the followers of Mohism advocate for full meritocracy, universal morality, and free will. They argue for these ideas based on three tests or “gnomons” as Graham calls them.
B.     Three tests: Assertion of Origin, Evidence for it, Use for it.
C.     Correct assessment overall, with some points of debate on specific topics.
D.    Break down Graham’s analysis into his subheadings:
                       1.         Introduction – Origins, Description of Literature
                       2.         The Three Tests of Argument
                       3.         The criticism of Traditional Practice By the Utilitarian Test
                       4.         The Unifying Principle of Morality
                       5.         The Centralization and Bureaucratization of the State
                       6.         Heavens, Spirits, and Destiny
                       7.         Divisions in the Mohist School
    II.         Graham’s Introduction
A.     Mo-Tzu a mysterious figure à Graham theory of Mo-Tzu as an artisan, theory of disappearance of Mohism with declining influence of cities in little states
B.     Mohism split into three different sects: Graham label Purist, Compromising, Reactionary.
C.     MY ARGUMENT: Mo-Tzu not likely an artisan because of his knowledge of Confucian ideals, probably a scholar of unique style seeking to win via hard logic, Vs. Confucian fatalism requires hard reality approach; Theory of Burton Watson more feasible – rigid doctrine of universal (love) morality unrealistic
  III.         Three Tests of Argument
A.     Graham describes the three tests as Gnomons according to the Purists
B.     Gnomon: Part of a sundial that casts a shadow à Mohists beliefs in precise calculation of best action
C.     Graham points out correctly that of the 3 tests, 1st and 3rd usually applied, while 2nd is for supernatural/abstract concepts
   IV.         Criticism of traditional practice + Unifying Principal of Morality à both spot on
     V.         Centralization and Bureaucratization of the state
A.     Problem of using “state” – contradicts universal love
B.     Meritocracy vs absolute hierarchy à how to develop merit system?
C.     Issue of comparing to European merchant class and other associated ideas.
   VI.         Heavens, Spirits, and Destiny
A.     Mo-Tzu more religious not less – believes in the power of the divine to punish
B.     Ghosts and Heaven’s Will enforce the strict hierarchy
 VII.         Divisions within Mohist school à Expected schism, great analysis by Graham
VIII.         Conclusion
A.     Graham’s Explanation of text solid

B.     Origin of other viewpoints

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